Dry Eye

Dry Eye

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Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome 

Dry eye syndrome may seem like a minor inconvenience, but for many people it can significantly impact their quality of life. At InFocus Eyecare, we have a thorough understanding of the causes of dry eye and can customize a treatment plan for your eyes. 

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition when your tears are not sufficient to keep the front surface of the eye lubricated properly. When your eyes are unable to produce optimal tear quantity or quality to keep them moisturized, dry eye occurs. Because dry eye is a common condition in which the symptoms can mimic those of other issues like eye allergies, it can be frequently under-diagnosed. 

Tears help moisturize your eyes, protect against infection, and help with healing of wounds, so the proper production and drainage of tears is an important part of maintaining optimal eye health.  

Symptoms of Dry Eye 

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may have dry eye syndrome: 

  • Burning, stinging, or itching eyes 
  • A scratchy or sandy feeling in your eyes 
  • Increased sensitivity to light 
  • Eye pain or redness 
  • Stringy mucus or discharge from your eyes 

Symptoms may be made worse by activities like driving, reading, computer use, or watching TV, as you blink less often at these times. When your eyes are not properly lubricated due to less tear volume, they are more likely to dry out and become irritated. 

Treatment Options for Dry Eye 

Our qualified eye doctors are trained in diagnosing and treating dry eye syndrome. Through the evaluation and tests performed at a comprehensive eye exam, your optometrist will gather the information needed to determine if you may have dry eye. If a diagnosis is made, your doctor will work with you to put a treatment plan in place tailored to your unique vison care needs. 

Dry eye syndrome can vary in severity from person to person, as each individual is different. InFocus Eyecare offers many safe and effective treatment solutions for dry eye syndrome. These can include eye drops, lifestyle adjustments, and other strategies designed not just to treat your symptoms, but to address the source of the issue, making your treatment more sustainable and allowing you to live a comfortable, high-quality life. 

If you think you may be experiencing dry eye syndrome, contact our office to schedule an eye exam with our optometrists at InFocus Eyecare.